Father of Different Branches of Biology

Father of Different Branches of Biology.

1. Hippocrates:- Human Diseases
2. Robert Hook(1666):- Cell
3. Aristotle:- Zoology and Biology
4. G.J Mendel:- Genetics
5. Empedocles:- Evolutionary ideas
6. Francis Galton:- Eugenics
7. Hugo de Vries:- Mutation
8. Karl E. Van Baer:- Modern Embryology
9. Leonardo da Vinci:- Paleontology
10. Carolus Linnaeus:- Taxonomy
11. Father Saurey:- Theory of Special                                                  Creation
12. K. Landsteiner:- Blood Groups
13. William Harvey:- Blood Circulation
14. G. Cuvier:- Comparative Anatomy
15. Bateson:- Modern Genetics
16. Louis Pasteur:- Microbiology
17. Edward Jenner:- Immunology
18. Robert Koch:- Bacteriology
19. H. J Muller:- Radiation Genetics
20. Valdimir Korenchevsky:- Gereontology
21. Marcello Malpigli:- Microscopy
22. Thomas Adison:- Endocrinology


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